How Often Should Air Ducts be Cleaned

Do you remember the last time you had your property’s air ducts cleaned? Probably not! This is because we do not give enough importance to air duct cleaning.

HVAC systems are an easy target for dust, pollutants, and mold and get accumulated rapidly. Since these health hazards are away from plain sight, they stick to the duct walls, station themselves in the grills, grow uninterrupted, and cause extensive damage to our home day after day. The air running through it can provequite dangerous for the human body.

IAC-Pros Air Duct Cleaning Before and After

How often should you call a professional duct cleaning company?

Air ducts in apartments and houses should ideally be inspected and cleaned every 2 years.The HVAC system and ductwork in commercial property should be inspected annually as it is spread over a larger area and occupied by several individuals at any given point in time. 

However, the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) states several signs for cleaning your air ducts regularly. These include:

  • Going into a new home – When you move into a new home, the condition of the air ducts and how its former owners kept them, is unknown. Ensure a thorough cleaning of the air ducts before moving in.
  • Damage incurred – If your property has incurred any physical damage, the airborne particles of the damaged area are bound to be present in the air ducts. Plan a thorough professional cleaning of the premises.
  • Hairy Pets – Hairy pets shed hair and dander around the house which might easily get stuck in the air ducts.  Pet hair reduces air duct efficiency and allows quick accumulation of dust in it.
  • Asthmatic patients – Residential and commercial properties that house allergic or asthmatic patients should consider annual air duct analysis and cleaning to prevent an increase in the reactions.
  • Indoor Smoking – Smoking increases the accumulation of dust in the air ducts. People who smoke in their premises should consider getting their air ducts inspected once every 6 months.

Make the right decision for your Long Island Air Duct Cleaning needs!

An experienced and reputed air duct cleaning company is bound to offer honest and professional services and helpful staff who address any specific issue during the entire process. Hire expert help and have those air ducts cleaned to breathe in a clean and dust-free environment.  Contact IAC-Indoor Air Care today!

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